Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™

Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™ is offered at MindBody Works. This specialized deep tissue therapy is one of the finest, most beneficial forms of bodywork for healing injuries or just feeling your best. The superficial and deeper muscles are pressed and lengthened, and relieved of all tensions, restrictions, and toxins. "Trigger points" {areas of hypersensitivity}, "knots" {stuck muscle fibers}, and spasms are effectively dissipated.

This alone is a very healthy treatment for the body, but Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™ does not stop here. It also focuses on the body's "connective tissue", or "fascia", layers of fibrous tissue that wrap around every muscle, blood vessel, and nerve in the body, like saran wrap that wraps and clings to an object.

Healthy connective tissue is elastic and loose. However, injuries, chronic stress, overuse, emotional and mental strain, or just every day modern living can cause this fascia to become increasingly solid, rigid, and tangled, just like saran wrap will become tangled if misused. As a result, muscles and joint movement will be restricted, and can literally get stuck in abnormal positions -- which causes pain, and puts an enormous amount of strain on the skeletal structure, particularly the spinal column.

In Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™, pressure is applied to release restrictions and lengthen the fascia, restoring the tissue to its healthy, elastic state. This effective process allows the muscles to resume their original length and shape, relieves pain, and restores the body to its natural balance and posture. Circulation is greatly enhanced, toxins are cleared out, and healthy flexibility is brought to all areas of the body. This is essential for optimum health.

Many clients are amazed at how well they feel after each session of Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™. Many experience being happier, calmer, and more positive as physical injuries heal, and the heavy weight of stress, tension, and negative emotion is lifted out of the body.

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About Ron Ragno

All sessions of Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™ are given by Ron Ragno, founder of MindBody Works. Ron began his career in New York in 1994, after being certified in Deep Tissue Therapy. He quickly developed into one of the top, most highly skilled and sought after therapists in the area. Since then, he has created and developed Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™ into one of the most powerful and effective healing tools available. Ron has treated thousands of clients over the past 15 years. He has worked with business people, professional athletes, weekend warriors, and performers of all kinds to help them heal from injuries, de-stress, and feel their best. His greatest reward is seeing his clients heal, and feel better about themselves and their lives.

Ron is also a certified instructor of Shing Yi Chi Kung, a Chinese system of exercise, meditation, and strength and energy building. Classes are now offered at MindBody Works.

My Advanced Deep Tissue Therapy™ is uniquely effective in relieving pain and stress. Slow, deep strokes and stretches are utilized to release physical holding patterns, and dissolve tension and restrictions in the muscles and tissues. Posture, flexibility, and circulation are greatly improved, offering you a profound experience health, well-being, and rejuvenation." ~ Ron Ragno


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